This Blog is related to Network and System Administration articles and configuration of different devices mostly on Cisco and Microsoft Platform.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Configuration of VLANs

Creating VLANs in Cisco Switch
For configuration of VLANs we assume that you have basic knowledge of VLANs if you don't have any idea about VLANs then Click Here to get some knowledge about VLANs.

Creating a Voice or Data VLAN 
  • Configuration of Data and Voice Vlans in Normal Mode
VLAN creation for Voice and Data  is same but they are changed to Voice or Data Vlan at the time of ports association (see port association at the end of this post). 
To create a vlan in a cisco switch, First of all access the switch and follow these steps
          switch#configure terminal
          switch(config)#vlan vlan-id
          switch(config-vlan)#name name

          switch#config t
          switch(config)#vlan 3
          switch(config vlan)#name my-first-vlan
!name can be any name of your choice like i have choosen "my-first-vlan". 
          switch(config vlan)#end
Now your vlan with name "my-first-vlan"is created. you can verify it by
          switch#show vlan brief
          switch#show vlan name my-first-vlan
          switch#show vlan id 3
Note: vlan information is stored in vlan.dat file rather than running configuration

  • Creating VLAN in  VLAN database (used in GNS3)

          switch(vlan)#vlan database 
          switch(vlan)#vlan vlan-id name name
          switch(vlan)#vlan database 
          switch(vlan)#vlan name my-second-vlan
Verification switch#show vlan name my-second-vlan
          switch#show vlan id 3
          switch#show vlan brief

  • Configuration of Extended VLAN

          switch#config t
          switch(config)#vtp mode transparent
          switch(config)# vlan vlan-id
! vlan-id can be any number from the range of extended vlans i.e. between 1006 - 4096 
          switch(config vlan)#mtu mtu-size
! mtu-size is optional for extended vlan
          switch(config vlan)#end
To verify VLAN information issue the following command
          switch#show vlan id vlan-id

Removing a VLAN
Note: on a cisco switch any command is negated or removed by just putting a "no"at the start of that command
a VLAN can be removed in the same way. for example we have created vlan 3. now we are going to remove it so the procedure is
          switch#config t
          switch(config)#no vlan 3
and vlan with id number 3 will be deleted from vlan.dat file
similarly if you want to remove it from vlan database i.e.
          switch#vlan database
          switch (vlan)# no vlan 3
          switch (vlan)# exit
          switch#show vlan brief
Now you wont see any vlan with id number 3
Associating port with a VLAN

  • Port Association to a VLAN
          SW1#config t
          SW1(config)# interface fa 0/0
          SW1(config if)# switchport mode access
          SW1(config if)#switchport access vlan 3
          SW1(config if)#end
          SW1#show vlan brief
you will see interface fa 0/0 listed infront of vlan 3. It means that not this interface fa 0/0 is in vlan 3.
for more details click here

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